Art Therapy

What is Art Therapy ?

Art therapy involves the use of creative techniques such as drawing, painting, collage, coloring, sculpting, and so on to help people express themselves artistically. It is another form to examine the psychological and emotional undertones in art.

With the help of your Art Therapist, the client can break-down there nonverbal messaging, symbols, and metaphors which lead to a better understanding of their feelings and behaviors.

Why is it important to Process Art?

Processing the art activity is not about interpreting the meaning of any images or outcomes but instead discussing the experience of the client during the activity. What thoughts came to mind for the client? Did they experience any confronting emotions throughout the process? Asking the client if the art supplies used created any concerns for the client.

The artwork that is created can represent a memory or is a process of storytelling about a life experience. The activity of “processing art” is often similar to an interview where you are posing questions to the client that will help facilitate discussion and understanding.

What is a Art Therapy Directive?

An art therapy directive is an art activity designed specifically for a certain individual or designated to help alleviate symptoms of mental health impairments. Just as assessments offer the clinician guidance for treatment planning, directives provide a framework for the therapeutic hour.

Art therapy directives allow a freedom that purely verbal therapy deters. Directives can be designed to meet the client's changing needs and thus allow each individual to produce, share, and express on a multiplicity of levels.